The Best and Fastest Public DNS Servers of 2020

Domain Name System/Service/Server, an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses that are required to access websites.

DNS servers are automatically assigned to you by your ISP when you connect to the internet. The DNS Servers provided by your ISP may not be the best and can cause some performance issues and slower website loading time and if the server goes down then you might not be able to access any website at all.

Therefore. switch to a free public DNS server can help because the speeds of public DNS servers are faster with 100% uptime. Some servers are also secure and they protect you from malicious and phishing websites.

Here are the best and fastest public DNS servers of 2020:

Open DNS

Open DNS is currently one of the biggest names in public DNS. It was founded in 2005 and has different features to offer for free. The features include 100% uptime, high speeds, phishing sites blocked by default, optional parental controls-type web filtering to block websites by content type, and free email support.

It is available for free but also has paid plans available too which have some extra features such as being able to view your internet activity for up to the last year and allow access to certain websites only.

Primary DNS Server:

Secondary DNS Server:

Google Public DNS

Google Public DNS is also a free DNS service that you can use to replace the name servers of your ISP.

Their privacy policy is quite good and they don’t keep a record of anything you do. The speeds are fast and their uptime is 100%. You won’t experience any outbreak and it contains logs that are only for yourself to find out about your internet activity history.

With Google Public DNS, you instantly get higher security and better browsing experience on your computer.

Primary DNS Server:

Secondary DNS Server:

Cloudflare Public DNS

Cloudflare is famous over the internet for its top-rated content delivery network and they have also stepped into the DNS service.

Testing shows that currently, Cloudflare is the fastest public DNS service available that also focuses on preserving the users’ privacy. All of the claims regarding not storing your data are true and it does not keep any of your data. Any logs that exist are deleted within 24 hours.

Primary DNS Server:

Secondary DNS Server:

Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo has a reputation for producing excellent security product and its public DNS service is also no exception.

The Comodo Secure DNS focuses on security and safety. Phishing websites are blocked by default and if you visit any malicious website that may contain malware, spyware, or adware then it warns you. As far as the speeds are concerned then they are not as par with the others but still good enough. The main focus of Comodo DNS service is security and you get that with it.

Primary DNS Server:

Secondary DNS Server:

Quad9 DNS

Quad9 is a DNS service that has been providing fast and secure DNS services since 2016. The performance you get with Quad9 DNS is very good, even better, and faster than Comodo Secure DNS.

The company claims that it is able to block malicious domains and it collects data from different public and private sources.

Primary DNS Server:

Secondary DNS Server: